




A.  The Demised Premises shall be used and occupied for the purpose of storage and warehousing of retail dry goods to be sold online, but no packaging of foods will beconducted at the Demises Premises, and related office use and no other purpose or purposes, which use byTenant, however, is and shall be expressly subject to all applicable zoning or dinances, municipal, state and federal requirements, rules and regulations ofany governmental instrumentalities, boards or bureaus having jurisdiction thereof. 

B.  Tenant shallnot use, or suffer nor permit the use of, the Demised Premises (or any partthereof) in any manner or for any purpose or do, bring or keep anything or suffer or permit anything to be done, brought or kept therein (including, butnot limited to, the installation or operation of any electrical, electronic orother equipment) (1) which would violate any covenant, agreement, term,provision or condition of this Lease or is unlawful or in contravention of the Certificate(s) of Occupancy for the Demised Premises; or (2) which may in anyway impair or interfere with any of the proper and economic heating, airconditioning, cleaning or other services of the Building or impair theappearance of the Building.  No pets or animals are permitted in the Demised Premises. 

C.  If anygovernmental license, permit and/or certificate shall be required forthe proper or lawful conduct of any business or other acts to be carried on inthe Demised Premises, Tenant shall procure and thereafter maintain such license, permit and/or certificate, submit same for inspection by Landlord, andcomply with the terms and conditions of thesame.  Any expenses incurred inorder to obtain and maintain suchgovernmental license or permit, including a Certificate of Occupancy or the like, shall be paid by the Tenant.

Any expenses incurred 任何所产生的花费

D.  Tenant shallnot use or occupy, nor permit or suffer the Demised Premises (or any partthereof) to be used or occupied for any purpose deemed by Landlord as disreputable, not in keeping with the first class nature of the Building or extra hazardous nor in such manner as to constitute a nuisance of any kind, norfor any unlawful purpose or in any way in violation of any present or futuregovernmental laws, ordinances, requirements, orders, directions, rules orregulations.  Tenant shall, at itsexpense, immediately upon discovery of any such unlawful, illegal,disreputable, extra hazardous or use not in keeping with the first class natureof the Building, take all necessary steps, legal and equitable, to compel thediscontinuance of such use and to oust and remove any persons guilty of suchunlawful, illegal, disreputable or extra hazardous or use not in keeping withthe first class nature of the Building.


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