



译文1:The patient is a 30-year-old woman. Because she had fever and cough for 7 days, she was admitted to the hospital on August 3, 1996.

译文2:A 30-year-old married female was admitted to the hospital on August 3, 1996, because of a 7-day fever and cough.


译文1:Seven days ago she began to have a fever, cough and spit mucous sputum, but she had not received any medical treatment up to now.

译文2:Seven days ago, she began running a fever and having a bad cough productive of mucous sputum, for which she has not taken any medical treatment up to now.


译文1:In the past three days, she had a persistent fever and the cough became serious. She spit rusty sputum. She felt chest pain and it intensified with respirations.

译文2:In the past three days, she has been having a persistent high fever, an exacerbated cough productive of rusty sputum and a thoracalgia intensified with respirations.


译文1:During her illness, she was lack of strength. Her appetite was poor. Her urine and stools were normal. She was healthy in the past and seldom went to doctor.

译文2:During her illness, she has been weak and has had a poor appetite without specific urine or stools. She has been in good health and has seldom consulted physicians in the past.


译文1:Nobody in her family had ever got tuberculosis and she did not know of any intimate contact with patients with this disease either.

译文2:There is no tuberculosis in her family medical history and she does not know of any intimate exposure to patients with this disease either.



译文2:PE T: 39℃; P: 107/min. R: 26/min.; BP: 110/70mmHg……



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