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首先,这个词及其容易被拼写错误offical translation,并且被广为流传,二者只差了一个字母i,但是,前者才是正确的拼写方式。英国签证,美国加拿大移民经常会用到official transtion ,意思是官方的翻译,大使馆,签证处等认可的有资质的翻译公司,经宣誓认证的翻译.请看案例:
Please submit certified translations for all foreign language documents. The translator must certify that s/he is competent to translate and that the translation is accurate.
The certification format should include the certifier's name, signature, address, and date of certification. A suggested format is:
Certification by Translator
I [typed name], certify that I am fluent (conversant) in the English and ________ languages, and that the above/attached document is an accurate translation of the document attached entitled ______________________________.
Date Typed Name /Address
Applicants who hold non-English documents or certificates are required to submit a copy of the original papers and the official English translation certified by the respective embasy.the official English translation certified by the respective embassy,这是什么意思?
最后说official translation 是什么意思呢?
就是有翻译资质的翻译公司正式翻译,跟sworn translator 基本是一个意思,咱们中国人的具体做法就是四项:
1.翻译公司营业执照 2.翻译件宣誓 3.盖章 4.翻译员资格证书,根据中译英和英译中来回调换(中译英,用宣誓词和翻译专用章。英译中,用营业执照和翻译资格证)。就这样,老外或中国政府单位的要求我们就达到啦,无论是出国签证,还是移民文件翻译,还是回国在中国各大政府机构办事,都会畅通无阻啦!
If you are in the UK, where a document is not in English or Welsh, the original must be accompanied by a fully certified translation by a professional translator/translation company(必须是有专业资质的翻译者或翻译公司).
This translation must include: · details of the translator/translation company’s credentials(翻译件中必须有翻译者或翻译公司的相关资质证明,例如TEM8的证书编号);
and · confirmation that it is an accurate translation of the original document(翻译件中必须有这句声明);
and the translator/translation company’s contact details(翻译件中必须有翻译者或翻译公司的联系方式).
It must also be dated and include the original signature(翻译件中必须有日期及亲笔签名) of the translator or an authorised official of the translation company.
我家人去新西兰是找的366 翻译社做的移民材料翻译,我记得很清楚,因为他的名字很奇怪,是数字的,可能是365加一天吧,我第一次去的时候很多人坐在那等,你要不是北京的也不用担心,他可以给你发电子版,也可以寄快递,我第一次是自己翻译,后来发现不行,就找的他,我家当初就是,我给办的,一切顺利(新西兰要求NAATI翻译资质,或者不在新西兰和澳洲本地的翻译,可以翻译盖章,这一套他都知道,你要提前跟他说),他给你的都是制作好的翻译件,你直接交给你的移民律师或者移民中介就可以了,点这里查看:新西兰移民局就签证材料“英文翻译问题” 作出说明
澳洲移民局翻译要求的原文是:Translations provided by non-accredited translators overseas should be endorsed by the translator with their full name, address, telephone number, and details of their qualifications and experience in the language being translated。366翻译社有naati和catti资质,翻译页脚处会加上签字盖章,移民局承认,是移民律师推荐的翻译公司,望采纳。